Children form the core of our community and Udhbhavaha intends to provide a fertile soil where the child
- Learns to be sahaja, being themselves; which in turn builds confidence
- Experiences inner freedom – as an outcome of what the child feels when he is aligned with his inner self
- Endeavour to live in harmony with self, others and nature; understanding the interdependence and inter connectedness
- Embarks on the journey to develop deep observation skills and contemplation, discretion (Vivek Shakti ).
- Is equipped to traverse the path of seeking, exploring and finding answers
- Attempts to think logically and reasonably
- Strives to live by the core values of Udhbhavaha
- Sanathana Sathya (Eternal Truth)
- Satyanishte (Integrity)
- Sookshmathe (Sensitivity)
- Karthavyanishte (Duty Conscious)
- Sahajate (Simplicity)
Every child’s journey is also a teacher’s journey. Every teacher at Udhbhavaha is on his or her journey of realisation and aspiring to live by the values and principles of Udhabhavaha.
Teachers take complete ownership of the 4 tracks, core values and principles. A teacher should look into the what, why and how of education. Diving in a little deeper, today, through most alternate education, we are able to answer the “How” of education i.e the methodologies. To some extent, the “why” of education is also getting acknowledged.
This “why” and “how” of education has multitude of answers. However, when we reflect deeply as teachers on the “WHAT of education “and “What are we teaching”, there is only one eternal answer to which we all can connect.
If Education is all about Knowledge, Information and Skill, then is
–information is all about remembering
-skill is all about doing
-knowledge and learning are much more profound and needs to be understood and experienced.
The crux of the “what of education” is true knowledge and learning that which is universal. True knowledge is beyond just knowing. It signifies having the wisdom of understanding things, people, nature and our own selves and putting it into practice.
A teacher in Udhbhavaha strives to create an environment where the child is ready to receive this knowledge.
Education at Udhbhavaha is not limited to the child alone. It is impossible to take this journey on without parents walking hand in hand with us.
Along with the child, parents too need to assimilate the core values and principles of Udhbhavaha. Our monthly meetings (Manthan) provides a platform where we together understand the values and principles of Udhbhavaha and what it takes to make this journey meaningful.
We endeavour to walk together, respecting the diversity that exists in all of us.